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September 12-14, 2025 China National Convention Center, Beijing

Language: CN EN JP

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Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors

Press Release

Booth Application Visitor Pre-registration

CR Expo 2017 Visitor Pre-registration Kicks off

Press Release May. 08, 2017

Recognized as the third-largest care & rehabilitation exhibition around the globe as well as the sole national exhibition of assistive devices for the disabled in China, Care & Rehabilitation Expo China 2017 (CR Expo 2017) is going to be held from September 13th to 15th 2017, at China National Convention Center in Beijing. This session of CR Expo is estimated to cover an area of 20,000 sqm, attracting 350 world-known enterprises to come together to showcase internationally popular assistive products, technology and services along with the latest achievements in the industry of assistive devices for the disabled in China. All the booths have already been sold out as soon as the previous and new exhibitors receive the message to start their application.

To follow the policy of promoting the assistive devices industry, for the first time three themed pavilions are created, namely the Rehabilitation & Assistive Devices, Smart Technology and Elderly Care and Health, to better integrate the resources available. Together with other special pavilions, such as China Hearing and Speech, Service Robots and China Assistive Devices, CR Expo 2017 is aimed at gathering the optimal resources in the global market of care and rehabilitation and set up a new framework for this industry.

Elderly Care & Health Pavilion: market domination & future development direction

You will find building components, senior daily necessities, senior housing, elderly care services, devices and equipment for travel, and barrier-free design services etc. in this pavilion. Positioned to meet the huge demand in the senior care and comprehensive health market, it is to provide various resolutions to the aged, disabled and temporary patients to help them in their daily and outdoor life. To appear at the event are such famous brands as Poly Hexihui, Dreamland, UNIFIX, Zhanda and Bedding World with their products like elderly care and rehabilitation services, multi-functional electric nursing beds, household furniture for health and medical care and stair climber machines.

Smart Technology Pavilion: US wearable robots debut in China

The Smart Technology Pavilion is to display products covering health management system and service robots, all representing the most advanced intelligent technology which will greatly benefit the people with impairment in their daily life. World-renowned brands such as Hengzhuo, specializing in cochlea implant, and Ai Robotics, known for its exoskeleton robot, will introduce their new products to the public. It is worth noticing that American Wearable Robotics Association is cooperating with the host of this exhibition to set up a robot pavilion. This is the first time for it to participate at an exhibition outside of American mainland. It focuses on showcasing the application of wearable robots to assist the disabled and improve work efficiency as well as the quality of life.  

Assistive Devices Pavilion: assembly of world leading brands

This pavilion is created for all kinds of assistive devices, prosthetics and orthotics and institutions of assistive technology adaptation. Collaborating with China Rehabilitation Research Center for Hearing and Speech Impairment, we have also established a China Hearing and Speech pavilion. This session of CR Expo China sees an increasing number of world-class brands, such as Ottobock from Germany, Matsunaga from Japan, REHA International, ?ssur from Iceland, Kawamura from Japan, Permobil from Sweden, Sonova from Switzerland, Demax from Germany and Vermeiren from Belgium; other leading enterprises in China including KAIYANG Group, Foshan Dongfang Wheelchair, TAISITE, Jingbo, Worldwide Jingbo, Medi Works, AOOMAN, Tangbang, Qianjing, KANGHUI are also active in taking part in this global event. In addition, the pavilion for China’s national achievement in assistive devices will bring together the strengths from the six regional centers for assistive devices in China to show to the world what this country has achieved in the industry.

High-profile concurrent events: global spotlight & industrial upgrade

Being one of the theme activities of 2017 “Belt and Road” Disability Affairs Cooperation, CR Expo 2017 is going to be held along with a series of high-level conferences and forums including ASEM Global Conference on Person with Disability Cooperation, the 2nd Global Conference on Assistive Devices & Technology Industry, International Assistive Device Industry Development Forum, Beijing International Forum on Rehabilitation, International Audiology Forum, and International Forum on Wearable Robots. The events will center on audiology, rehab and medical treatment, wearable robots and other sectors, with experts and business insiders sharing insights on such topics.

Visitor pre-registration is available now

1. Please go to www.hbfz88.com, click on “Visitor service”    “Visitor pre-registration”, fill out the form required and get the barcode for free entry to the exhibition.
2. Follow our Wechat official account “中國國際福祉博覽會”(CR Expo China), then click on “我要參觀”(To be a visitor), fill out the form required and get the barcode for free entry to the exhibition.

Pre-register now, you will get the following for free:
▼An exhibition catalogue;
▼A quick entry exempting you from queuing;
▼Newsletters informing you of everything about the exhibition and the industry

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