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about CR EXPO
September 12-14, 2025 China National Convention Center, Beijing

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Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors

Position pad

Position pad

Hengshui Peidi Medical Instrument Co.,LTD

Category of Exhibits
  • Prostheses and Orthoses

Product Profiles

The application of the position pad is very important, complex surgery often need to use multiple individual position pads, postsurgery should also use the position pad according to different parts to prevent the formation of pressure sores (pressure sores), so that patients can reduce suffering, early recovery to maintain the position, reduce pressure, increase comfort, improve safety Product performance structure and composition: high-quality high-density sponges are used as support, and the outside is wrapped with cotton or synthetic leather, which has good air permeability and is easy to clean. The structure is simple and practical, easy to use and so on. Scope of use: all parts of the body (head, shoulders, arms, back, chest, hips, legs, feet, etc.).

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