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Thearmrestis adjustable,allowingitto be pushed and pulled as needed.The cabinet at the back provides storagespace for items,and the top surface isdesigned to accommodate a projector. Manual extendableand retractable metalhandrail 33 This sensory integration productis specificallydesigned forchildren,particularlythose with autismand aphasia.Itfeatures amovable double-door cabinet with mirrors on the left,right,andbottomsides,along with atransparent acrylic column.Thiscolumngenerates a variety of dynamic,colorful light effects andproduces numerous small,uniformair bubbles. The interior of the cabinet contains an array of optical fibersthat emit an array of colors,synchronizedwith thebubble col-umn's changes.Seatedbesidethe fiber optic bubble cabinet,indi-viduals can focus on observing and experiencing the water col-umn's motion,the sensation of the bubbles,and the captivatingplay of colorful lights.For individuals dealing with autism andaphasia,this experience stimulates their sensory awareness aidsinemotional expression,and encourages social interaction.