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about CR EXPO
September 12-14, 2025 China National Convention Center, Beijing

Language: CN EN JP

Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors



Zhongshan Flyfirm Education Technology Co., Ltd

Category of Exhibits

Product Profiles

Thearmrestis adjustable,allowingitto be pushed and pulled as needed.The cabinet at the back provides storagespace for items,and the top surface isdesigned to accommodate a projector. Manual extendableand retractable metalhandrail 33 This sensory integration productis specificallydesigned forchildren,particularlythose with autismand aphasia.Itfeatures amovable double-door cabinet with mirrors on the left,right,andbottomsides,along with atransparent acrylic column.Thiscolumngenerates a variety of dynamic,colorful light effects andproduces numerous small,uniformair bubbles. The interior of the cabinet contains an array of optical fibersthat emit an array of colors,synchronizedwith thebubble col-umn's changes.Seatedbesidethe fiber optic bubble cabinet,indi-viduals can focus on observing and experiencing the water col-umn's motion,the sensation of the bubbles,and the captivatingplay of colorful lights.For individuals dealing with autism andaphasia,this experience stimulates their sensory awareness aidsinemotional expression,and encourages social interaction.

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