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about CR EXPO
September 12-14, 2025 China National Convention Center, Beijing

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Welcome to China's largest care and rehabilitation expo with 50,000 visitors

QS1241 electric mobility scooter

QS1241 electric mobility scooter

Quality Life Technologies Co.,Ltd

Category of Exhibits

Product Profiles

QS1241 four-wheel electric mobility scooter offers the most legroom and foot room in its class with a modern, rugged design. With 12-inch tires on the front and rear, it cruises the outdoors and takes obstacles in stride. Features include an ergonomic control panel design with a backlit battery gauge display, and a wraparound Delta tiller for easy steering. With a weight capacity of 350 lbs., a maximum speed of 9.1 mph and a range of 22.4 or 24.9 miles, it is rugged, dependable and an outstanding value for a full-time, four-wheel scooter.

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